NOOR ALAHMEDY Co. is committed to its duties to comply with the Health, Safety and Environment requirements in accordance with the International regulations, and shall take the responsibility and practicable steps to eliminate or minimize the minimum injuries, Occupational illness, and property damage and environment conservation. NOOR ALAHMEDY Co. will undertake the following steps in order to achieve improvement of its Health, Safety and environment Protection performance at all time: Provide adequate resources to properly maintain the Health, Safety and Environment Protection functions of the company. Follow defined procedures with self-discipline and work safely at all times. Provide& review Method Statements and Risk Assessments as required, and when required. Provide and maintain systems of work which are safe and without risk to Health, Safety and Environment. Establish arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances provided for use at work, which are safe and without risk to Health, Safety and Environment. Encourage safe behavior among their working staff. Ensure that all management decisions reflect our HSE intentions. Provide employees with such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to secure their safety and health at work and that of others who may be affected by their actions and the protection of the environment. Carry out Health, Safety and Environment surveillance. Ensure that all machinery, plant and equipment are maintained and in a safe working condition. Make adequate provision and arrangements for welfare facilities at work. Keep the workplace safe and ensure that access and egress are safe and without risk. Monitor performance of Health, Safety and Environment protection & requirements to maintain company standards. Insure that the work is done with compliance To Health, Safety and Environment rules, however if there are deviation work will be stopped until deviation are fixed, and the old permit will be closed a new permit will be issued. Toolbox talk is a daily event for all work sites and must be conducted each day, and repeated as a mass toolbox talk for all staff while appreciation for best HSE practitioner will be accommodated. Our Aim to achieve Zero Fatality and Zero LTI. All forms and inspections shall be conducted as per requirements and regulations with NOOR ALAHMEDY Co. ISO14001 & 18001. Regularly review and update this policy by HSE committee. All employees of BDE are expected to undertake the following as part of their duties to BDE: Take reasonable care of their own Health, Safety and Environment, and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. Co-operate with others in the company to fulfill its statutory duties with respect to Health, Safety and Environment protection. Not to interfere with, misuse or willfully damage anything provided in the interest of Health, Safety and Environment protection. Properly take care of and maintain P.P.E. issued to them. Operate to methods and instructions issued by the company. To ensure that this policy remains effective the company’s Directors will: Review it annually, or at the time of significant changes within the business. Make any such changes known to employees. Maintain procedures for communication and consultation between all levels of staff on matters of Health, Safety and Welfare protection. The Company’s Safety Policy and Site Safety Instructions will be prominently displayed for compliance by the site staff at a suitable location and will be updated whenever deemed required. BDE Management looks forward to a continuing partnership with all employees to achieve a safe and healthy working environment, where ever we may be employed. For And On Behalf of NOOR ALAHMEDY Co.